When you are looking for a machine quilting or hand quilting frame you might be surprise how hard it can be to find the right one to fit your needs. There are several companies making quilting frames and we have tried many of quilting frames they make and keep coming back to the quilting frames made by the Grace Company.
The Grace Company has been around for over 25 years. What sets the Grace Company apart from other companies is their drive to make the best product on the market. They don't worry if there is another company that is larger than they are they just look at what the quilter's needs are and find a way to make a more quilter friendly product. They make machine and hand quilting frames, and many accessories that make quilting a lot of fun. It isn't just that their frames are awesome but the are a great company to work with. When we have a customer that has a problem with a Grace product, the Grace Company wants to be right there to help solve the problem and make sure any customer that has one of their products is happy. The Grace Company isn't perfect but 99 out of a 100 times they can stand up to their reputation.
We know the owner and many of the office staff personally. Over the years they have expanded so it is hard to know all of their workers but they are all very polite when we visit the warehouse. The reason we like their products isn't just because we are friends but because of them we have a business. The Grace company listens to us when we tell them features or options we need on the frames. Kathy consulted with Jim and Jaren when they were working on their first machine frame, the GMQ (Grace Machine Quilter). Since that time they have made tons of changes so they can supply us with frames that we know are going to work.
KathyQuilts.com is successful because we offer products that work. You can finish a quilt on just about any frame but how much you enjoy it will come down to what your frame can do, how it does it, and who is there to help you when you have questions about quilting. KathyQuilts.com has a learning library where we offer help for quilters of all skill levels. Getting a great frame like one from the Grace Company is an important step but learning how to get the most out of it is something that we can help you do.
We will start posting more articles about the various frames and how they compare to each other.