Calling All Quilters! New Ideas!!
By now, most of you machine quilters have been practicing, practicing, practicing. If you're brand-new at quilting - take the advice to just practice, practice, practice. I promise that you'll get so much better!
Are you tired of the Loops and Stars? Tired of the old stippling? Are you stumped for new designs to quilt - designs that will help you stretch your imagination? Well, I would tell you to ALWAYS look at everything you see with the idea that it might be able to be used as a quilting design. Look at the tiles on the floor, and the pattern they make. Check out the old wallpaper in the restaurant while you're waiting for your food or visiting the bathroom (the bathrooms have the MOST interesting patterns on the walls and floor!) Look at the printing design on fabric or clothing. Always keep some paper to doodle your designs on, and save these in a binder for your future quilting use.
There are SO MANY better ideas that you can quilt than the old stippling. And if you want more ideas, you should check out the new E-Book on CD or Download that we have on our website. It's called Emma Rae Designs, and it's full of fun new designs that will inspire you to start more quilts!
I've been quilting for 11 years, and these designs are all new to me, so I was excited to try them out. What I like about the book is that there are some designs that are simple to quilt, and then, if you enjoy them, you can add to the simple design to make it a little more elaborate, or leave the design simple and quilt them over and over. There are flowers and leaves. There are swirls and flames. There are waves and spikes. And my favorite is a Party Swirl, with confetti coming off of the main stem. What a great idea!
You can use these designs as overall designs on a quilt, or as individual designs in a block, or even special designs quilted in the borders of your quilt. You can look at the designs, and you can quilt them as large or as small as you'd like. I just love it that Emma Rae has saved me the time of trying to think of different things to quilt, and these are very innovative. I'm always looking for designs to quilt on a man's quilt, designs that aren't too flowery, and there are several swirl designs here that I love for more masculine quilts. I had a great time quilting all these designs on a quilt of my own after reading the book.
Click here to read more about this awesome new eBook or if you go to our You can purchase the E-book on a CD to use with your computer, or as a download which goes directly to your computer. These books open by using Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is also included on the CD if your computer doesn't have it. But most computers have it already installed.
I tested these designs, and love them. I hope you'll enjoy these new, innovative designs as much as I enjoy them. It just so fun to have something new to quilt.
Happy Quilting! (and remember - Practice, Practice, Practice!)