If you are looking for a machine quilting frame or have just purchased one I am here to tell you that you wasted your money! If you had a professional longarm machine quilter that you took your quilts to get them quilted, and not you think you will do the quilting yourself, then you are delusional. Do you really think that you can just get a machine frame and use your domestic sewing machine and do the same work as a professional?
These might be harsh statements, but there really is an element of truth in the previous paragraph. With what I have just said, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I know of many people that with the right training, were able to over come the stumbling blocks that kill any chance of successfully learning how to use a machine frame.
These are the top ten reasons that people fail when they try to get started machine quilting:
ONE: Quilting on this frame is a lot harder than the sales people made it sound.
TWO: How do I load my quilt on the frame?
THREE: I can't make the machine quilting frame do what I want.
FOUR: My thread keeps breaking
FIVE: What patterns do I follow to quilt my quilt?
SIX: I can't get my stitches even.
SEVEN: My quilt doesn't look anything like the pattern I followed.
EIGHT: What do I do in the borders?
NINE: Why do I have puckering on my quilt back?
TEN: How do I get started machine quilting?
These are questions that I answer everyday. This is why Kathy and I wrote Machine Quilting Magic. In a perfect world, everyone that bought a machine frame would be able to attain the level of proficiency that they envisioned when they first bought their frame. Since this isn't a perfect world, then you need to be taught or need to learn how to machine quilt. Classes are nice, but about 75% of what you learn leaves after the first day after the class. You ask yourself, "How did they do that again?" Books are nice, but it is really hard to find books that show the detail you need. We have found that eBooks are very good at helping people learn at a accelerated rate.
Check out
http://machinequiltingmagic.com to learn everything you need to have your quilting experience be a happy one. I speak with too many people that are bummed out and want to throw away their frame. One reason they feel so much pressure is that they have spent a sizable chunk of money on their frame and they don't feel they are getting their money's worth. Not everyone will be a gifted machine quilter, but anyone that is persistent and has the desire can become as good a quilter as 70% of the professional machine quilters out there today.
Now it the time to get started. Visit KathyQuilts.com if you still haven't bought your frame, or visit MachineQuiltingMagic.com if you already have a frame.
Good Luck!